Vinloco Pro is a wine producers’ portal to the wealth of critical data produced by our database.
For the first time, producers will be able to see real time comparisons of their wines against their peers by rating, price and value.
Mapping a wine across price and quality provides a uniquely powerful perspective that allows wine marketers to:
- Discover a wine’s true competitors by benchmarking its ratings with further refinements by price, vintage or region
- Discover Vinloco’s unique assessment of that wine’s value given its rating peer set and prevailing price
- Dynamically plot a wine’s position in the Australian marketplace with instant readings of its price, quality and value comparisons
Vinloco Pro includes more ratings for current vintages than any other source with the deepest coverage of wine scores from independent critics and panels.
Wine market intel you need to know.

Access a complete listing of scores from Australian and international wine shows. Now also includes scores and tasting notes from selected critics and shows.

Instantly map your wine’s position in the Australian marketplace with dynamic analysis of a wine’s price, ratings and value.

We draw upon more than 40,000 scores annually from Australian and international wine shows as well as selected critics to independently determine a wine’s quality. It’s the deepest, broadest and most objective measure of wine quality anywhere.

Quantify value for the first time. Consider new pricing strategies if the wine is under-priced or over-priced.

Benchmark more accurately. Find the wines that most closely compete across price, quality and value and discover the leaders in each category.